All about pigeons

The purpose of this free section is to educate young fanciers about all the aspects of the pigeon sport that surrounds us. This will be done through a variety of subject articles, that can either be chosen by young fanciers, or by ourselves.
The information will be varied and will cover , but not limited to the following:

How to improve the Sport
Getting the most out of the Sport
Rearing and racing healthy pigeons
The Racing Pigeon Organisations of the World
Making the best use of the suppliers and distributors
The importance of understanding our pigeons and their habitat
Economics, how to keep costs down and make the Sport affordable.
The variety of racing tournaments in the world, one loft races and alike.
General pigeon care, basic steps and understanding what makes a good pigeon
Improvements we can make to ensure the well being and health of our self and our pigeons

The other areas on our website address other important parts of the Sport.
We hope this area will be informative to outsiders, who do not keep pigeons, but just want to learn about the Sport in general.

Young Fanciers can also benefit immensely from the exclusive loft reports and articles that exist within the However, this area is restricted to 18 years or over and therefore must be subscribed for by your parents or guardian. The articles in this section are aimed at the more experienced fancier.